Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2018. № 1(25). P. 25—33
UDC 502.172 (470.57)
Golovanov Yaroslav Mikhailovich, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Research Associate
Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences Petrov Sergei Semenovich, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associated Professor
Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University Abramova Larisa Mikhailovna,Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article gives the research results of rare flora component of Sterlitamak — the second-largest town of the Bashkortostan Republic. The urban flora research was conducted from 2014 to 2016 using a wide-spread route method. Currently the flora of the town tallies 4 rare species of plants — Stipa korshinskyi, S. lessingiana, S. pennata and Tulipa biebersteiniana. The highest concentration of rare species of plants is noted within an
estimated town nature sanctuary “Otradovsky ravine”. It is noted that Sterlitamak has a far less number of rare plants species in comparison with the neighboring towns of the Southern Bashkortostan Republic.
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Golovanov Ya. M., Petrov S. S., Abramova L. M. Some questions of protection of rare species and plant communities within the town of Sterlitamak. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2018, no. 1 (25), pp. 25—33. DOI: