Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2020. № 4(36). P. 134—149



UDC 582.26/.263:502.75(470.56)

Ignatenko Marina Evgenyevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior researcher
Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis, Orenburg Federal Research Center of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Yatsenko-Stepanova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading researcher
Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis, Orenburg Federal Research Center of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kalmykova Olga Gennadyevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior researcher
Institute of Steppe, Orenburg Federal Research Center of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences




The article studies the flora of algae and cyanobacteria of 7 water bodies and watercourses of Orenburg region’s specially protected natural territories (Orenburg forest-steppe Zavolzhye — Severny, Abdulinsky, Buguruslansky districts). There are 193 algae species and intraspecies taxa belonging to 7 phyla (Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, Charophyta, Ochrophyta, Miozoa (Dinophyceae), Cyanobacteria), 12 classes, 30 orders, 57 families and 109 genera. 19 new for the Orenburg region’s algae flora species and varieties of algae were found (Bacillariophyta — 10 taxa ranked below the genus, Chlorophyta — 5, Charophyta — 2, Euglenophyta — 2). A significant degree of algae flora specificity of the studied water bodies has been established. According to the saprobiological analysis water bodies and streams of protected areas of the Orenburg forest-steppe Zavolzhye are characterized as I—III quality classes, from extremely clean to satisfactory cleanliness.

Key words

Water bodies, water streams, algae, biodiversity, specially protected natural territories, Orenburg region.


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Bibliography link to this article:

Ignatenko M. E., Yatsenko-Stepanova T. N., Kalmykova O. G. On the algae flora of some natural monuments of the Orenburg region. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2020, no. 4 (36), pp. 134—149. DOI: