Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2021. № 3(39). P. 49—58



UDC 581.14+581.16+581.6+631.53.02

Roguleva Natalia Olegovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Botanical garden of the Samara University
Yankov Nikolay Viktorovich, Agronomist
Botanical garden of the Samara University




The article provides data on germination, plump condition, morphology and weight of 1000 seeds collected from adult Murraya paniculata plants growing in the greenhouse of the Botanical Garden of Samara University. An express assessment of the quality of seeds was carried out by the method of digital microfocus radiography. The seed plumpness ranged from 96.5 to 100%. No signs of seed infestation and damage by pests were found. An increase in the total exposure to X-ray radiation from 2 to 22 s did not show a negative effect on seed germination. Seed sizes ranged from 7.15 to 8.39 mm over 8 years of research. The mass of 1,000 seeds is characterized by the range of variation from 59 to 91 g. The determined mass of a thousand seeds of Murraya paniculata correlates with the results of the international seed database Kew, which indicates a successful introduction. Seeds stored for more than a year at a temperature of 24°C completely lose their germinating power. Freshly harvested seeds, when germinated in laboratory conditions, gave the first roots on day 9, leaves on day 18.

Key words

Mass of 1000 seeds, microfocus radiography, seed quality, seed viability.


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Bibliography link to this article:

Roguleva N. O., Yankov N. V. Control of the viability of seeds of Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2021, no. 3 (39), pp. 49—58. DOI: