Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023. № 3 (47). P. 173—187



Original article

UDC 94(47)“187/188”:618.2(09)


Problems of obstetric practice in the publications of the “Penza Gubernskiye Vedomosti” in the second half of the XIX century

Alla I. Kosheleva, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Penza State University, Penza, Russia,,



Thanks to the zemstvo reform in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, public medicine began to develop actively. One of the important tools for promoting the ideas of scientific medicine in the social sphere is the periodical press, including the provincial one. This article attempts to analyze the publications of the newspaper “Penza Gubernskiye Vedomosti” devoted to the development of obstetrics in the Penza province in the second half of the XIX century. A great contribution to the popularization of the achievements of scientific medicine in the field of obstetrics was made by the zemstvo doctor of the Penza province Nikolai Ilaryevich Sokolov. As a student of Kazan Imperial University he actively published articles on medical issues in the Penza official newspaper. Having entered the service in the Penza province as a zemstvo doctor, N. I. Sokolov in his articles began to pay special attention to the problem of obstetric care for women in labor, the fight against peasant prejudices and superstitions in the field of childbearing. The memoirs of contemporaries about the professional activity of this provincial doctor, preserved on the pages of the provincial newspaper “Penza Gubernskiye Vedomosti”, are of great scientific value. Since 1878, “Penza Gubernskiye Vedomosti” began to appear daily, and the editors faced the serious task of filling the increased information space with news and articles on pressing local topics. Penza medical community has made a significant contribution to the development of the information space of the province. Some doctors of the province remained regular correspondents of the newspaper for many years. The example of Nikolai Sokolov shows how a young specialist actively and skillfully used the possibilities of a newspaper in his professional interests, thereby contributing to the development of both medical science and printed periodicals.


History of obstetrics, midwife, woman in labor, zemstvo doctor, Nikolai I. Sokolov, “Penza Gubernskiye Vedomosti”.

For citation:

Kosheleva A. I. Problems of obstetric practice in the publications of the “Penza Gubernskiye Vedomosti” in the second half of the XIX century. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2023, no. 3 (47), pp. 173—187. DOI:

The full text of the article PDF (Russian)



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