Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023. № 3 (47). P. 188—202



Original article

UDC 94(470.56)“1941/45”+355.72(09)


Everyday life of Chkalov’s evacuation hospitals during the Great Patriotic War (by the example of evacuation hospital No. 4409)

Nadezhda K. Kurmeeva
Orenburg, Russia,



The article, based on archival documents, highlights the establishment and daily activities of Chkalov’s evacuation hospitals during the war years. Various aspects of functioning of this medical institution are revealed: medical practice, use of new methods of treatment, staffing, supply of equipment, medicines, food; political and educational work, leisure and cultural services; training and employment of the wounded on the mend; patronage and housekeeping. The frequently encountered difficulties in everyday work and the selfless work of the staff of the evacuation hospital are shown.


Great Patriotic War, Chkalov (Orenburg), evacuation hospital, wounded soldiers, medical staff, everyday life.

For citation:

Kurmeeva N. K. Everyday life of Chkalov’s evacuation hospitals during the Great Patriotic War (by the example of evacuation hospital No. 4409). Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2023, no. 3 (47), pp. 188—202. DOI:

The full text of the article PDF (Russian)



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