Viability assessment of Clematis integrifolia L. seeds collected in the Botanical Garden of Samara University
Natalia O. Roguleva, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Tropical and Subtropical Cultures
Botanical garden of the Samara University, Samara, Russia,,
Tatiana M. Zhavkina, Head of the Dendrology Department
Botanical garden of the Samara University, Samara, Russia,,
Elena A. Melnikova, Agronomist, Department of Dendrology
Botanical garden of the Samara University, Samara, Russia,,
Nikolay V. Yankov, Agronomist, Department of Tropical and Subtropical Crops
Botanical garden of the Samara University, Samara, Russia,,
The necessity to select and provide high-quality material to the formed seed bank of rare species of the Samara region, as well as determining the shelf life of seeds is an urgent task. The objects of the study were seeds collected from adult Clematis integrifolia plants growing on the territory of the Botanical Garden of Samara University. The article presents 4-year data on the morphology, humidity, weight, fullness and germination of seeds. The average seeds length (without stylodium) was 6.12 mm and varied in the range of 4.95—7.98 mm, the average seeds width was 3.65 mm, with an interval of 2.76—5.13 mm. The average weight of 1000 seeds was 5.10 g and varied from 4.61 to 5.75 g. After air-dry storage, the moisture content of the seeds was in the range of 6.30—7.57%. An express assessment of seed quality was carried out using digital microfocus radiography. The number of defective seeds varied depending on the year of harvest from 30.3 to 80.0%. There were no signs of pests colonization and damage of seeds. The first seedlings of the seeds of C. integrifolia 2021 collection appeared on the 36th day from the beginning of the experiment. Laboratory germination of seeds varied from 15.2% in 2022 to 52.0% in 2021. Seeds stored for more than 3 years at room temperature completely lost their germination. Based on the data obtained, the authors recommend the samples of 2020, 2021, 2022 to be included into the seed bank after preliminary rejection of underdeveloped and empty seeds.
Seed size, weight of 1000 seeds, seed moisture, microfocus radiography, viability of seeds, storage period.
For citation:
Roguleva N. O., Zhavkina T. M., Melnikova E. A., Yankov N. V. Viability assessment of Clematis integrifolia L. seeds collected in the Botanical Garden of Samara University. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2023, no. 3 (47), pp. 96—107. DOI:
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