Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024. № 1 (49). P. 17—31



Original article

UDC 581.9:502.75(470.56)


Flora of the Sukhaya Karsunka River Valley — a refugium of steppe phytodiversity in the Ulyanovsk region

Elena Yu. Istomina, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia,,



The article describes the steppe phytodiversity of the Sukhaya Karsunka River Valley in the Karsun district of the Ulyanovsk region. At present, areas of rocky, feather-grass-forb, fescue-feather-grass-forb and meadow steppes typical of the Volga Upland are preserved here, as well as adjacent upland oak forests, remnants of chalk pine forests and pine-deciduous forests. From 2019 to 2023, 211 species of vascular plants from 40 families and 132 genera were identified in the flora of steppe communities. A systematic, ecological and phytocenotic analysis of flora and analysis of life forms according to the C. Raunkiaer system was carried out. High abundance of rare plants — 26 species, of which 4 species (Pinus sylvestris L. var. cretacea Kalenicz. ex Kom., Iris aphylla L., Orchis militaris L., Stipa pulcherrima K. Koch) are included in the “Red Book List of flora of the Russian Federation” and 15 species — in the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk region, testifies to the natural and scientific value of steppe ecosystems. The data obtained can be used in the reissue of the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk region and in the organization of protected areas of the region.

Key words

Volga upland, Ulyanovsk region, Sukhaya Karsunka River, rare plant species, Red Book.

For citation:

Istomina E. Yu. Flora of the Sukhaya Karsunka River Valley — a refugium of steppe phytodiversity in the Ulyanovsk region. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2024, no. 1 (49), pp. 17—31. DOI:

The full text of the article PDF (Russian)



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